z CLASS № 33 THEME: BIOCHEMISTRY OF THE LIVER 1. Role of the liver in carbohydrate, lipid, amino acid and protein metabolism. 2. Detoxification functions of the liver. 3. Heme synthesis, reactions. 4. Degradation of heme. Bilirubin metabolism, scheme. 5. Disorders in bilirubin metabolism: jaundice, its types. 6. Biochemical mechanisms of hepatic failure and hepatic coma. Biochemical tests for diagnosis of liver disorders. Liver is… • The largest organ in the body • Weighs 1.2 to 2 kg • Constitutes about 2-3% of body weight. • Involved in many digestive, vascular, and metabolic activities. • Has over 500 vital functions. MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF THE LIVER I. Homeostatic function. – processing all of the gastrointestinal blood through the portal vein. – regulation the blood levels of glucose, amino acids, and other nutrients taken from food. II. Biosynthetic ...