CLASS № 29


1. General characteristics of hormones: properties, types of biological action. Classification of hormones on the chemical structure, site of formation, mechanism of action. Target tissues and the cell receptors of hormones.

2. Mechanisms of action of hormones binding with the membrane receptors. Second messengers: cyclic purine nucleotides, calcium ions, products of hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol. Diversity of protein kinases and their role in transmission of hormonal signal.

3. Mechanism of action of hormones binding with the intracellular receptors.

4. Thyroid hormones: structure, target tissues, biological effects. Hyper- and hypoproduction of the hormones.

5. Parathyroid hormone, calcitonin: target tissues, biological effects. Hyper- and hypofunction of parathyroid hormone.

6. Pancreatic hormones: insulin, glucagon. Target tissues, biological effects. Hyper- and hypoproduction of the hormones.

7. Adrenaline and noradrenaline: structure, target tissues, biological effects. Hyperproduction of adrenaline.


1. General characteristics of hormones: properties, types of biological action. Classification of hormones on the chemical structure, site of formation, mechanism of action. Target tissues and the cell receptors of hormones.

Hormones are REGULATORY molecules


-         are produced by endocrine glands,

-         secreted into the bloodstream, and

-         transported via the blood to target tissues where they

-         exert their biological action,

i.e. REGULATE: metabolism, functions, growth and cell division, development and differentiation of cells in ontogenesis, support homeostasis (constancy of the inner medium of the organism).


I. On their chemical structure:

1) polypeptide hormones (hormones of hypophysis, hypothalamus, parathyroid glands, insulin, glucagon);

2) derivatives of amino acids (thyroxine, epinephrine);

3) steroid hormones (hormones of adrenal cortex, male and female sex hormones).

II. On the place of their synthesis:

hormones of hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, pancreas, adrenal glands (medulla and cortex), hormones of male and female sex glands, local or tissue hormones.

III. On their effects on biochemical processes and functions:

1.     hormones regulating metabolism of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates (insulin, glucagon, epinephrine, hydrocortisone)

2.     hormones regulating the salt and water balance (aldosterone, vasopressin);

3.     hormones regulating metabolism of calcium and phosphorus (parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, calcitriol);

4.     hormones stimulating growth (growth hormone – GH, sex hormones, thyroid hormones, cortisol, insulin);

5.     hormones controlling reproductive function (male and female sex hormones);

6.     hormones regulating functions of other endocrine glands (adrenocorticotropic hormone – ACTH, thyroid stimulating hormone – TSH, follicle-stimulating hormone – FSH, prolactin – PRL, or lactotropic hormone – LTH, luteinizing hormone – LH).

7.     hormones mediating response to stress (epinephrine, glucocorticoids);

8.     hormones effecting the highest nervous activity (HNA), i.e. memory, attention, mentation, behaviour, mood, e.g. glucocorticoids, parathyroid hormone, thyroxine, adrenocorticotropic hormone.


1. High biological activity.

-         Concentration of hormones in the blood is extremely low (10-8 M) but their action is very noticeable;

-         therefore the slightest increase or decrease of hormone content in the blood can immensely change metabolism and functions.

2. Short "life span" (ranging from a few minutes to a half an hour).

-         After hormones exert their physiological effects, they undergo degradation or inactivation but their action may last for hours and up to day (24 hours) or days.

3. Distance of action.

-         Hormones are synthesized in organs of one type (endocrine glands) and act in distant organs of the other type (target tissues).

4. High specificity of the action.

-         Hormones exert their action only after binding with a receptor of a hormone.

-         Receptor represents a conjugated protein (glycoprotein), consisted of two parts – the carbohydrate and the protein ones.

-         Hormone is bound precisely to the carbohydrate part of the receptor.

-         The structure of the carbohydrate part is unique, specific and, on its three-dimensional conformation corresponds to the structure of the hormone.

-         Therefore, the hormone is always bound to its receptor unerringly, precisely, specifically, notwithstanding the small concentration of the hormone in the blood.

-         Tissues which contain receptors to the definite hormone are called target tissues.

-         Receptors to thyroxine, glucocorticoids, or insulin are present in many tissues.

-         There are also hormones to which receptors are present only in a few tissues (e.g. oxitocin).


2. Mechanisms of action of hormones binding with the membrane receptors. Second messengers: cyclic purine nucleotides, calcium ions, products of hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol. Diversity of protein kinases and their role in transmission of hormonal signal.


Receptors to these hormones are located on the external surface of the cell membrane and the hormone doesn't enter the cell.

The action of the hormone is transferred into the cell due to second messengers, e.g. such as

-         cyclic AMP (cAMP),

-         cyclic GMP (cGMP),

-         inositol triphosphate,

-         diacylglicerol, and

-         calcium ions.

Each second messenger stimulates specific protein kinase which phosphorylates cell proteins (enzymes) thus altering the activity of the proteins (enzymes)

Second messengers and protein kinases

 The major second messenger is cAMP.

Most hormones act via this compound.

But other hormones acting via their specific protein kinases are able to alter the cAMP concentration in the cell due to the increase or decrease of the activity of enzymes generating or degrading cAMP.

Cyclic AMP, cAMP

Cyclic AMP is synthesized from ATP by the adenylate cyclase system which consists of 3 components:

1.     specific receptor,

2.     G-protein, and

3.     adenylate cyclase.

The hormone binds to the receptor to form the hormone-receptor complex.

G-protein is so called because of its ability to bind to guanylic nucleotides (either GDP or GTP).

The G-protein is active when it is bound to GTP, and vice versa, being bound to GDP it is non-active.

The binding of the hormone with its receptor causes consequent changes in the three-dimensional structure of all the components of adenylate cyclase system.

As a result, G-protein exchanges its GDP for GTP, thus becoming active, and stimulates adenylate cyclase which converts ATP to cAMP.

Cyclic AMP stimulates cAMP dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A).


Adenylate cyclase system

Protein kinase consists of four subunits, two of them are regulatory and two are catalytic ones.

Four-subunit protein kinase is not active.

After binding four molecules of cAMP by regulatory subunits, the whole enzyme disintegrates releasing active catalytic subunits which phosphorylate proteins (enzymes) altering their activity or functions.

Activation of protein kinase A activity

The enzyme phosphordiesterase cleaves cAMP to form AMP thereby decreasing intracellular level of cAMP.

Cyclic GMP

is synthesized from GTP as a result of guanylate cyclase activity similar to the cAMP generation.

-         The enzyme phosphodiesterase cleaves cGMP.

Calcium ions, Ca 2+……

Concentration of Ca 2+ in the extracellular fluid is about 10,000 as much as that in the cytoplasm.

Such a content of Ca 2+ inside the cell would be lethal for it.

The cell is pumping out the excess of Ca 2+ from the cytoplasm due to the functioning Ca2+-ATPase located in the cell membrane.

Some hormones can increase the cytoplasmic calcium concentration.

They open calcium channels within the cell membrane, allowing extracellular calcium to move into the cell or can release Ca2+ from endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria.

Inside the cell, Ca2+ binds with the protein calmodulin to form calcium-calmodulin complex.

This complex activates Ca2+calmodulin-dependent protein kinase which catalyzes phosphorylation of intracellular enzymes (proteins) thereby altering their activity.

Inositol triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG)

IP3 and DAG are formed from the membrane phospholipid called phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2).

Some hormones activate the membranebound enzyme phospholipase C which cleaves PIP2 in the cell membrane to produce two second messengers – IP3 and DAG.

Formation of diacylglycerol and inositol triphosphate from phosphatidylinositol


Biological effects of these second messengers are realized differently.

DAG activates protein kinase C, which phosphorylates certain proteins, altering their activity.

IP3 binds with specific receptor on endoplasmic reticulum causing Ca2+ to be released from intracellular stores (EPR) to cytoplasm.

Ca2+, either directly or bounded to calmodulin, may interact with proteins, altering their activity.

System of second messengers: diacylglycerol and inositol triphosphate


3. Mechanism of action of hormones binding with the intracellular receptors.

They enter the cell and bind with receptors located in the cytoplasm.

The hormone-receptor complex is transferred into the nucleus where it binds with DNA and stimulates synthesis of mRNA which becomes a template for synthesis of proteins.

Translation of the mRNA produces proteins which are responsible for certain biological effects.)


Peptide hormones change the activity of enzymes,

Steroid hormones change the amount of enzymes.


4. Thyroid hormones: structure, target tissues, biological effects. Hyper- and hypoproduction of the hormones.

The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

Biochemical features of the thyroid gland.

1) The thyroid gland (follicular cells) takes up iodine from the blood.

2) The follicular cells contain specific protein – thyroglobulin which contains many residues of amino acid tyrosine.

-         Iodination of tyrosine residues within the molecule of thyroglobulin results in the formation of monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine which are then condensed to produce T3 and T4.

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates ultimately the release of free T3 and T4 into the blood.

In the blood, thyroid hormones bind with transporting proteins and reach the target tissues.

-         The T4 concentration in the blood is 10 times as much as that of T3;

-         therefore T4 is considered to be the major form of thyroid hormones in the blood.

-         But T3 is 10 times as active as T4.

Target tissues for the thyroid hormones are almost all tissues of the body excepting for the spleen and testes.

In the target tissues, thyroid hormones are separated from the transporting proteins and enter the cell.

In the cell, 90% of T4 loses one atom of iodine and converts to T3.

Thus, the major intracellular form of thyroid hormones is T3.

The action of thyroid hormones depends on their concentration in the blood:

-         in small (normal, physiological) concentrations of thyroid hormones exert anabolic effect,

-         and in high (excessive) concentrations they cause catabolic effect.

Action of normal (physiological) concentrations of thyroid hormones

The major effects of thyroid hormones include:

1.     stimulation of both nucleic acid and protein synthesis, and

2.     stimulation of energy metabolism.

1) The increase of the nucleic acid and protein synthesis stimulates growth, development, cell division and differentiation of all organs and tissues.

This effect is especially important for the growing organism.

Thyroid hormones are absolutely required for the structural, biochemical and functional maturation of the brain.

-         It is known that in the CNS, cells keep dividing during 1-1.5 years after birth.

Therefore thyroid-hormone deficiency occurred at fetal life or at early ages leads to the decrease of protein synthesis in the whole organism, and in the brain tissue in particular.

As a result, the differentiation of large hemispheres and cerebellum is impaired which is accompanied by mental and physical retardation.

Hypothyroidism in children is called cretinism.

The earlier is the age at which the thyroid hormone deficiency appeared the more it impairs the CNS development.

Thyroid hormones stimulate energy metabolism, i.e. both the use and synthesis of ATP.

As these two processes (opposite directed) are activated simultaneously, the equilibrium is preserved between them.

The outer sign of the equilibrium is the heat formation for maintenance of the normal body temperature.

Thus, thyroid hormones maintain the energy equilibrium in the organism.

Under normal conditions, due to participation of thyroid hormones, processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain are coordinated.

The work for the maintenance of electrochemical gradient of sodium and potassium ion concentrations on both sides of the cell membrane is the basis for the neuron functioning.

That is why the preservation of the energy equilibrium in the cell is of great importance for the normal functioning of nervous tissue.

Both excess and deficiency of thyroid hormones cause impairment of energy equilibrium and electrochemical processes in the CNS, and this is accompanied by certain symptoms of brain dysfunctions.

Effect of high concentrations of thyroxine (in hyperthyroidism)

The action of high (excessive) concentrations of thyroid hormones is observed in hyperthyroidism (Graves’ disease).

In hyperthyroidism, the energy balance (the balance between production and wasting of ATP) is impaired.

High concentrations of thyroid hormones act on mitochondria where in the inner mitochondrial membrane the electron transport chain (the ETC) is situated.

Normally, major portion of energy produced in the ETC is accumulated in the phosphate bonds of ATP, and the other portion of energy is dissipated as heat for the maintenance of the normal body temperature.

The process of ATP generation from ADP and Pi as a result of energy production in the electron transport chain is called oxidative phosphorylation.

High concentrations of thyroid hormones uncouple the ETC and oxidative phosphorylation.

As a result, the ETC keeps functioning, substrates are oxidized, oxygen is consumed, and energy is generated, but because of uncoupling the ETC and oxidative phosphorylation the

ATP is not formed, and all the energy produced is dissipated as heat.

That is why the symptoms of hyperthyroidism include

·       the enhanced body temperature (hyperthermia, due to intensive heat generation)

·       muscle weakness (because of the decreased ATP production required for muscle contraction).

As excessive quantities of thyroid hormones exert catabolic action, the degradation of body fuels (carbohydrate, lipid and protein stores) is increased which results in severe body weight loss.

The other symptoms of hyperthyroidism:

1.     enlarged thyroid gland (goitre)

2.     protruding eyes (exophthalmos)

3.     ↑ heart rate (tachycardia)

4.     ↑ BP(systolic blood pressure)

5.     psychic abnormalities (nervousness, excitement, emotional lability, sleeplessness (insomnia)

6.     Due to the increased heat production, patients with hyperthyroidism have sensation of heat intolerance, as well as excessive perspiration which occurs because of the need to dissipate heat through increased sweating.

Therefore the skin of patient with hyperthyroidism is wet, reddened (hyperemic), and hot with palpation.

Hypothyroidism in adults is called myxedema.

Mucus-like substances (glycosaminoglycans) are accumulated in subcutaneous tissues;

therefore, the common symptoms in hypothyroidism are mucoid-like (mucous-like) swelling of tissues.


In adult patients with hypothyroidism, the generation of ATP is decreased,

which leads to general brain disorder and psychic aberrations, such as a sense of weakness, hypokinesis (slow to action), fatigue, lethargy (somnolence), apathy, decreased memory, slowed mentation, psychical inertness, the speech becomes slow and indistinct (unclear), mimics is unexpressive.

The heat production is diminished which causes the sense of cold intolerance and decreased sweating.

The skin is dry, pale and cool in palpation, the body temperature is decreased.

The heart rate is slowed, and the blood pressure may be decreased.

Obesity, hyperlipemia, hypercholesterolemia, loss of hair and teeth are also observed.

In children hypothyroidism is called cretinism (see above).

The special form of hypothyroidism is called endemic goitre.

-         It appears as a result of insufficient dietary iodine supply.

-         Most commonly, this disease occurs in the mountain regions, where the iodine content in water and plant (and, consequently, in the diet) is low.

-         The iodine deficiency leads to the compensatory enlargement (hypertrophy) of the thyroidal tissue at the expense of prevalent growth of the connective tissue; but due to the lack of iodine the enlargement of the thyroid gland is not accompanied by the increased secretion of thyroid hormones.


5. Parathyroid hormone, calcitonin: target tissues, biological effects. Hyper- and hypofunction of parathyroid hormone.

PARATHYROID GLANDS produce parathyroid hormone (PTH).

PTH ↑ [Ca2+ ] and ↓ [ phosphate ] in the blood.

The target tissues and effects of PTH:

• Bones – inhibits collagen synthesis in osteoblasts; ↑ mobilization of Ca2+ and phosphate from the bone; as a result, Ca2+ and phosphate concentrations increase in the blood.

• Kidney – ↑ reabsorption of Ca2+ and ↓reabsorption of phosphate.

• Intestine – ↑ absorption of Ca2+ and phosphate.

Hyperparathyroidism is observed

in tumor of parathyroid glands(Increased secretion of parathyroid hormone)

Calcium ions released from the bones enter the blood and result in hypercalcemia (increased blood calcium concentration).

Chronic hypercalcemia leads to Symptoms:

1) fractures at minimal trauma;

2) calcification of internal organs, hurts and bruises.

3) the decrease of neuromuscular excitability which in turn results in

- muscle atrophy and weakness,

- psychoses, slowed mentation, impairments of memory and attention.

4) Chronic renal filtration of blood rich in calcium leads to saturation of the tubular fluid with calcium salts; as a consequence, renal calculi (kidney and urinary tract stones) may occur.

• Due to the excess of PTH, secretion of gastrin in the stomach is increased.

-         Enhanced gastrin secretion stimulates production of HCl and pepsin, and may lead to stomach ulcers.

Hypoparathyroidism is observed:

1) After operations on the thyroid gland when parathyroid glands were removed by mistake.

2) In child, due to infections of respiratory tract.

Deficiency of PTH leads to the lowered levels of calcium in the blood (hypocalcemia) which causes the increase of neuromuscular excitability.

• Symptoms:

1) tetany (continuous muscle contraction – convulsions, cramps, involuntary twitching of muscles)

2) spasmophilia (crying child becomes cyanotic because of spasms of respiratory muscles).



is synthesized in the thyroid gland.

Calcitonin ↓ Ca2+ and ↓ phosphate concentration in the blood.

The target tissues are the same as for PTH, but the action is opposite to PTH, and only in kidney calcitonin (as well as PTH) ↑ phosphate excretion into the urine.

Thus, calcitonin:

·       decreases release of Ca2+ and phosphate from the bone into the blood

·       decreases Ca2+ and phosphate reabsorption by renal tubular cells;

·       decreases Ca2+ epithelial cells. and phosphate absorption by intestinal

No kinds of pathology involving calcitonin have been described.


6. Pancreatic hormones: insulin, glucagon. Target tissues, biological effects. Hyper- and hypoproduction of the hormones.

Insulin is synthesized in β-cells of the pancreas and deposited in secretory granules bound with zinc.

The pancreas releases insulin into the blood in response to the increased blood glucose levels.

The target tissues (on sensitivity to insulin):

1) The absolutely dependent on insulin: adipose tissue and muscle.

Glucose may enter these cells and metabolize in them only in the presence of insulin.

2) Absolutely independent on (or insensitive to) insulin tissues.

Glucose may enter cells of these tissues even in the absence of insulin, and glucose is the only energy substrate for these cells.

The most important (essential to life) functions of the organism are fulfilled by these tissues:

- the brain – central regulation;

- medulla of kidney – secretion;

- erythrocytes – oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in the tissues;

- intestinal epithelial cells – nutrition (absorption of products of digestion);

- testicles – breeding.

The brain consumes 50% of free glucose of the blood, erythrocytes and kidneys – 20%, total 70%; thus, it is extremely important to the organism that major metabolic glucose pool and life providing functions of the organism are independent on insulin.

3) Relatively dependent on insulin - all the other tissues.

The action of insulin

01. It is the only hormone which ↓ the blood glucose level.

• Insulin ↑ membrane permeability for glucose to enter the cell (transport of glucose into the cell);

• Insulin ↑ glucose utilization (glycolysis, and on glycogen synthesis);

• Insulin ↓ production of glucose (gluconeogenesis and cleavage of glycogen).

02. It is a universal anabolic hormone: insulin ↑ synthesis of DNA, RNA, proteins, triacylglycerols, fatty acids, glycogen, and decreases their breakdown


is observed in insulinoma(excess of insulin) and in overdose of insulin which may take place in the course of treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms: hypoglycemia, cramps, loss of consciousness.

Severe hypoglycemia may lead to death.



is observed in type I diabetes mellitus.

In type II (insulin-independent) diabetes mellitus, the adipose and muscle tissues are unable to take up glucose in the presence of normal amounts of insulin.

Symptoms of diabetes mellitus:

1.     Hyperglycemia

2.     Glucosuria

3.     The ↑ catabolism of glycogen, proteins, fats;

4.     ↓glycolysis and ↑ gluconeogenesis;

5.     ↑ [ketone bodies] in the blood and urine.


is formed in α2-cells of Langerhans islets of the pancreas.

The liver is the major target tissue for the glucagon action.

The other target tissues include adipose tissue, kidney and the cardiac (but not skeletal) muscle.

The maximal amounts of glucagon are released from the islets during starvation.

This is the main hormone which maintains the blood glucose levels.

During the first day of starvation, glucagon increases cleavage of glycogen (glycogenolysis) in the liver.

However the glycogen storages appear to be completely depleted after 24 hours of starvation.

Therefore since the 2nd day of starvation glucagon stimulates gluconeogenesis, i.e. synthesis of glucose form amino acids which are produced due to the protein degradation. Unlike epinephrine, glucagon doesn’t affect muscle glycogen.

Thus, in starvation, glucose in the blood is entirely of the liver origin.

The other effects of glucagon in the liver are:

-         the decrease of the glycogen synthesis,

-         inhibition of glycolysis, the increase of the ketone bodies production.

In adipose tissue, glucagon increases lipolysis (triacylglycerol degradation) and decreases lipogenesis (triacylglycerol synthesis).

In all target tissues glucagon stimulates proteolysis (cleavage of protein) and inhibits its synthesis.

In the kidney cortex, the hormone stimulates gluconeogenesis.

The excess of glucagon in the organism may occur in glucagonoma (glucagon-secreting tumor).


7. Adrenaline and noradrenaline: structure, target tissues, biological effects. Hyperproduction of adrenaline.

Adrenal medulla produces noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and adrenaline (epinephrine) which are synthesized in response to stress and physical exertion.

Synthesis of adrenaline


Normally adrenalin is absent in the urine.

The major degradation product excreted into the urine is vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) which is used for diagnostics.



Degradation of adrenaline and noradrenaline

The target tissues and effects of adrenaline:

1) The liver –↑ degradation of glycogen to form glucose, and ↑ [glucose] in the blood.

2) Muscles –↑ degradation of glycogen to form lactic acid and ↑ [lactic acid] in the blood.

3) Adipose tissue –↑ degradation of triacylglycerol to form fatty acids and ↑ [fatty acids] in the blood.

4) Cardiovascular system –↑ BP, ↑ heartbeat, respiration (causes tachycardia), bronchodilation and hypertension.

The hormone Narrows arterioles: in the skin and vas afferentis of kidney, therefore, in stress, paleness and anuria are observed.

Dilates arteries in the heart, skeletal muscles and inner organs.

Dilates bronchi and pupil of the eye, relax smooth muscles of GIT and bladder, but contracts sphincters of GIT and bladder, muscles rising skin hair.

Via the cardiovascular system, adrenaline affects almost all functions of practically all organs resulting in efficient mobilization of the organism for resisting to the stressful situations.

Pheochromocytoma (hyperproduction of adrenaline and noradrenaline).

The concentration of epinephrine and norepinephrine in the blood increases in 500 and more times.

The symptoms:

• Hypertension, tachycardia

• In the blood – the ↑ concentration of adrenaline, glucose and fatty acids

• In the urine – adrenaline and glucose are present (they are normally absent in the urine), and the ↑ amount of VMA.
