

  CLASS № 31 THEME: BIOCHEMISTRY OF NUTRITION. VITAMINS THEORETICAL PART 1. Components of human food. The significance of nutrition for the vital activity. Essential food components. Causes and biochemical characteristics of malnutrition syndrome 2. Pathological states related to nutrition disorders: protein-energy malnutrition – kwashiorkor, marasmus; causes and disturbance of metabolism. 3. Vitamins, general characteristics, classification, biological functions. Vitaminlike substances. 4. Sources of vitamins for a human. Causes of hypo- and hypervitaminoses. Role of microflora of large intestine in synthesis of some vitamins. 5. Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K, biological role, daily requirements, dietary sources, symptoms of deficiency. Hypervitaminosis of some vitamins. 6. Water-soluble vitamins: В1, В2, В6, В12, РР, С, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, biological role, daily requirements, dietary sources, symptoms of deficiency. 7. The use of vitamins in c